Day of Darkness (2)

I will be made new,

this I know.

For You, O Lord, are not coming to destroy creation,

but to restore it.

I am not destined for the dirt;

I was born to rise again.

You did not create me for suffering,

but You equipped me to bear it,

and You will bring me victory over it.

You did not create me for pain,

but You hold me when it comes,

and You are my shelter until it passes.

Remind me, O Lord, and reveal to me

that You are making all things new.

Will I be the one exception?

I am your most treasured creation,

will You forget about me?

I am your chosen child,

the one You love;

will you abandon me?


forgive me.

I am just a man,

and I am afraid.

I am scared of death,

burdened by anxiety,

and worried about myself.

In my anguish,

I become consumed by me -

my needs,

my wants,

my struggles.

Lift my head;

remove blindness from my eyes,

and cause me to love others.

For it is your love, O Lord,

that sets us free;

there is no other way.



Day of Darkness (3)


Day of Darkness (1)