Day of Darkness (3)

This life is not all that there is for me,

but there remains purpose in living it.

Though I wish to give in,

to be free from pain and hurt,

You give me breath, O God.

Though my waking up is labor,

and my life moves from affliction to affliction,

You give me breath, O God.

Are you a God of waste?

Do you make mistakes,

or overlook the things that happen?

Do You lack purpose in Your ways,

or lose ground to Your enemies?

You do not;

You are not.

Every work of Yours is perfect,

and Your will cannot be thwarted.

Your power is complete;

Your sovereignty never ends.

Not a single act of Yours is wasted,

not one.

You order the winds to blow,

and the rains to fall.

The sun and moon bow down to You,

the stars shine at Your command.

The peaks and valleys know Your voice,

the earth obeys Your instruction.

And I, O Lord, am set apart in Your eyes.

You know me,

You shaped me and made me;

You breathed life into my bones.

You watch over me

and care for me;

You will see to my redemption.

Let it be so.



Day of Darkness (4)


Day of Darkness (2)