Day of Darkness (1)

Hope in the flesh,

is hope wasted.

Hope in the Lord,

is hope that will never end.

Yet, I tether myself to the flesh,

and turn from the Lord.

In the heat of battle,

the intensity of attack,

fear causes me to lose faith.

For trust is easy in victory,

and faith is steady when it’s calm;

but in defeat,

the eye of the storm,

I lose my way.

Hear my prayer, O God,

and turn upon me with mercy.

Strengthen me in weakness,

sharpen me in terror.

Cause my mind to know,

and my body to trust,

what my soul is certain of.

For as sure as the sun rises and sets,

You, O Lord, are sure to deliver the righteous.



Day of Darkness (2)


Day of Darkness (series)