Ben Locke Ben Locke


Though Weary

Proverbs 30:1 — I am weary, God, but I can prevail.


It is


and painful


It has been


for awhile.

I need You, O God,

to breathe,

I want You

to be.

I need You

more than I

want You,

I want You

more than I need

anything else.

O Lord,

my God and Savior,

these dark waters

cry out for Your light.

Push back

my enemies,

cut down

my oppressors,

and bring me out

of this affliction

that I may be free.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke



Psalm 63:1 — You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.


When You found me, Lord,

I was desperate

and my need was great.

It was good,

for it drove me to rely on You,

to trust you.

Now I call out to You, O God,

to renew my fervor,

to reinvigorate my worship.

I do not want comfort in this life;

for I know comfort

leads to death.

I do not desire ease in this life,

for I know ease

leads to complacency.

Take Your infinite power

and give me just a drop;

take Your immeasurable beauty

and bless me with a breath.

Never let me grow stagnant, Father,

for I refuse to die

a slow death.

Never let me grow complacent, Lord,

for I do not wish

to lose eternity.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


From View

Psalm 55:1-2 — Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; hear me and answer me.


Tear after


petition after


grief after


cry after


I have brought to You

in this hidden place

away from view.


on my knees,

blinds drawn

and lights dimmed,

desperate for an


Not a single soul

has known

nor wandering eye


this hidden war

for redemption.

I have lost count

of the days,

the seasons,

the time -

have You forgotten me,

O Lord?


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Beyond Glory


Isaiah 40:28 — Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.


Here I am,

placed between

the wondrous unknown

of Your sovereignty

and the sobering reality

of my human inability.

To my left

I see the limits of my flesh,

the trajectory of my bones.

To the right

I see the limitlessness of eternity,

the trajectory of my soul.

Here I am

in the middle

knowing that You are my only hope,

glad that You are my only hope.

Here I am

in the middle

knowing that I am not able,

glad that I am not able.

If I was anywhere else,

I would be

in the wrong place.


I see You,

I know You,

I know just how


You are,

and my soul rejoices.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Never Enough

Worthless Treasure

Ecclesiastes 2:1 — I said to myself, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good.” But that also proved to be meaningless.


I am nothing

if not weak,

I am empty

on my own -

I cannot bear the weight

of my suffering.

The evil of this world

wears me down,

I have nothing to gain from it.

It has left me broken and destitute,

it smiles

at the pain surrounding me.

Why, O soul,

do you seek peace in this world?

Why, O spirit,

do you seek truth in this place?

For all this world has -

all it can give -

is never enough.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke



Romans 8:29 — For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.


Praise You, Lord,

that I look less

like me

and more like You

today than yesterday.

Your persistence with me,

Your pursuit of me

even when I ran

is the mercy

that saves me.

I can do nothing

but praise

and yield

to Your will for me,

Your power to change me.

Thank You, Lord,

that I am not

the same -

that I will never be



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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Let Go

And Trust

Genesis 45:8 — “So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God…”



I trust



Your will

be done.

I let go

of control,

of bitterness,

of unforgiveness.


and nothing


brought me

here -

You did.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke



Matthew 6:10 — … your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.


My imperfect circumstances

do not

call Your perfect will

into question.

My broken body

does not

bring Your complete goodness

into doubt.

Your sovereignty

is the condition

of my contentment;

Your grace

is the pillar

of my peace.

You are the only


You are the embodiment of


You are the always



I am perfectly held,

completely loved,

and eternally secure.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke



1 Peter 5:4 — And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.


There is a day soon coming

that every single one of my sorrows

will be redeemed

and I will be restored.

Though it may never come

in this life,

it will undoubtedly come

and joy will be mine.

If Your promises are true, O Lord,

I am content to live the rest of my days

in suffering;

for I know the prize that awaits me

in perseverance.

In every one of my afflictions

draw near to me, Lord.

Strengthen my faith -

make me resilient

in my suffering,

not after it is through.

Fill my cup with the joy

of everlasting hope in You, O mighty God,

that I may persist in the battle

and have the victory.

The day is fast approaching

where light will swallow darkness whole

and I will sit in my heavenly place.


with every passing moment

I will fight -

standing firm in my faith,

steadfast in my obedience,

preparing to receive my

eternal crown.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Saving Rebuke

By Love

Hebrews 12:7 — Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as His children. For what children are not disciplined by their Father?


I loved Your discipline

until You disciplined

the parts of me

that I hoped wouldn’t have to change.

I cherished Your rebuke

until You rebuked

the parts of me

that I wanted to stay hidden.

I praised Your correction

until You corrected

the parts of me

that I desired to stay the same.

I asked for Your light

until it exposed

my darkness,

I asked for Your Spirit

until it revealed

the cost.

Your love is



and correction.

Your Light


Your Spirit


and it is good.

It is not enough

to receive parts of You

but not all of You, Lord,

when all of You

is what I need.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


By Grace

Isaiah 48:10 — “See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.”


I was stripped of

what was most precious

to me

that I would see

there is nothing more precious

than Your love.

I was stripped of

what I thought

I controlled

that I would know

how little control

I really have.

I was stripped of

what gave me


that I would realize

how insecure I am

without You.

I was stripped of

what I thought

I knew

that I would understand

how meaningless I am

without You.

I praise You, Father,

for the refining grace

of being stripped

of anything

that seeks to replace You.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


Beyond Doubt

Psalm 71:1 - In you, LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame.


I am

the evidence

that You are capable

of taking impossible things

and redeeming them

for good.

I can rejoice

that I have joy

beyond my circumstances,

my environment,

my afflictions.

You have led me through


in this life

to give me confidence

in the plans

You have for me -

why would I doubt You

for a single moment?


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


Forever Yours

Ephesians 5:25 — … just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.


Your eyes saw me

in my mother’s womb,

our union began

in the empty tomb.

O perfect love,

divine and true,

Your grace to me,

my need for You.

Past my mistakes,

brokenness too,

my deepest longing,

Your endless pursuit.

You are my Rock,

my eternal Bloom,

You are my Safety,

my precious Groom.

Forever Yours,

what can undo

this covenant love

with me You choose.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


Renew & Awaken

Psalm 5:3 — In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.


In the morning

I look to You -

You made the morning sun


and gave me breath.


is a new day.

Fill me

with the fullness

of Your Spirit,

the fullness

of Your love

and wonder.

I am

Yours -

have Your way

with me.

Renew me -

refresh my spirit

and breathe life

into my bones.

Awaken me -

arise my soul

and speak truth

over my mind.

Keep me from


and deception,

from blindness

and foolishness.

Open my eyes,

Father -

let me see.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


In You

Ephesians 2:10 — For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


My identity is in You,


and You alone.

Though I am quick to forget,

my purpose is in You

my value is in You

my hope is in You

my joy is in You

my strength is in You.

You give to me

what nothing else can,

what no one else will

and it sustains my life.

Draw near to me, Father,

and remind me of who I am

by showing me who You are.

You are my comfort,

my resting place.

You are my foundation,

my only hope.

Let Your will be done.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

From The Beginning

Set Apart

Psalm 139:16 — …all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.


I was set apart by You

from the beginning of time.

You had plans for me

before I knew You.

You had a life for me

before I followed You.

You had a name for me

before I said a word.

All that I face

all that I have endured

all that I was

and all that I am

has been reconciled

and set free.

Every pain

and loss,

every rejection

and hurt

You redeemed

on the cross.

Because of Your grace -




nothing else but Your grace -

I am made new.


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Danielle Reeves Danielle Reeves



Isaiah 40:8 — The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.


Beyond the skies

and past the stars,

there You are.

Beyond the flesh

and past the heart,

there You are.

Beyond the shame

and past the guilt,

there You are.

Beyond the temptation

and past the facade,

there You are.

Beyond the fear

and past the doubt,

there You are.

Beyond myself

and past my soul,

there You will remain



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Danielle Reeves Danielle Reeves


Of You

Isaiah 6:5, 7 — Woe to me! I cried. I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty… “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”


The awareness

of my unholiness -

the full picture

of my human condition -

and the understanding

of Your decision

to make me

in Your image

for Your pleasure -

this is the


of my worship.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


In You

Psalm 91:2 — I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”


You are my


You are my


You are my


You are my


You are my


You are

all of the things

that I look for


You are

all of the things

that I hope for


Teach me, Lord,

to see You in full view,

to know You with my whole heart

and be free.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


For You

Psalm 119:103 — How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!


To You

I will run.

In You

I will hope.

For You

I will live.

You are

my promised land,

my narrow path.

You are

my heavenly home,

my eternal banquet.

Like honey

on my lips

and a melody

in my heart,

You are

everything that is good.

O Lord,

my Dwelling Place,

You make my spirit sing.


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