Day of Darkness (series)

Mourn with those who mourn.

I wrote this collection of seven prayers in one sitting, as I wept over the seemingly endless pain and sickness I have battled for the last few years. Soon after I wiped the tears from my eyes, I received a text from a friend of mine who heard that I wasn’t doing well. He shared with me about his years-long battle with depression, suicidal thoughts, and chronic illness. He explained his misery, his anger, and his emptiness. He didn’t advise me on how to feel better, nor did he negate the weight of what I was feeling that particular day. Knowing that he was hurting gave me comfort, and encouraged me to write these seven prayers.

After getting his message, I wondered why I always seem to convince myself that I am suffering in isolation, that nobody else could possibly be hurting the same way that I am. I wondered what the Lord must think, watching us as we try to hide our wounds, drowning in loneliness, desperate for someone to see our hurt and simply be with us in it. For someone to weep alongside us, to sit next to us in silence in our misery.

The words of Romans 12 came to mind as I reflected on the example my friend showed me. Verses 12-15 say, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”

In despair, I needed someone to weep with me, to mourn with me, and to remind me that I’m not alone. In times of immense suffering, there are moments that overcome you. It feels like hope is meaningless, joy is gone, and no word of encouragement can bring you strength or sanity. These prayers represent the middle of that moment - affliction, immense need, mourning, the day of darkness. Additionally, they reflect the power, the beauty, of a friend that hurts with you.

There are seven prayers altogether, each one posted in the order that I wrote them. I will release one per day for the first week of the website launch. After that, there will be one post put out every week, released on Friday mornings for us to share together.


Day of Darkness (1)

