God Alone

Lamentations 3:21-22 - This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end.


I am here,

to do Your will, O God.

I have no purpose,

no meaning,

apart from my Father.

This life matters not -

I matter not -

without the perfect love of the Creator.

In this alone,

I have complete hope.

All of my fear,

my worries and anxieties,

my bitterness and discontentment,

my emptiness and anger,

comes when I depart from this truth.

God alone,

turns my fear into freedom;

my worries and anxieties,

into peace and confidence;

my bitterness and discontentment,

into forgiveness and truth;

my emptiness and anger,

into identity and joy.

I have searched other options,

seeking fullness by other means;

each one failed me completely.

I am Your child, O Father,

You call me beloved!

How can this be?


how can it be any other way,

and why would I want it to be?

In this alone,

my soul finds complete rest.



Well With My Soul


Faithless Fear