Well With My Soul

Psalm 42:5, 11, & 43:5 — Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.


Awaken me, O Lord,

I am asleep to Your truth.

Numb to Your power,

indifferent to Your goodness,

I am asleep.

Come and find me,

lift me up;

I need You.

I am gray,

stuck in nothingness,

I am desperate for Your light.

Still my afflictions persist,

they are many;

give me faith.

Still my wandering continues,

I am confused;

give me peace.

As I step back,

I see clearly,

I have it all wrong.

I am consumed by myself,

set in my ways,

ignoring the needs of others.

My suffering is all-consuming,

for it consumes me of myself.

It feeds my selfishness,

it ignites my self-centeredness.

You are the answer, O God,

You are truth.

Replace my selfish mind,

with Your spirit of humility.

Destroy my self-centered heart,

with Your Spirit of love.

For I know that pride is the death of me,

and I must crucify myself.

Praise Your Name,

the Lord of creation,

for You are good.

I will love You,

serve You,

obey Your commands,

and it will be well with my soul. 





God Alone