Ben Locke Ben Locke


Safe Pasture

John 10:9 — “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.”


I will find pasture

in Your promises

and contentment

under Your care.

My Savior and Shepherd,

Your voice

drowns out the rest;

Your Word

leads me to safety.

I am a sheep -

wandering and needy,


when I depart from You.

Your breath

forms the boundaries

of my life.

You speak

and my soul

finds its home;

You whisper

and my spirit

knows its place.

Do not

let me out

of Your sight,

my Shepherd.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

You Saw

And knew

John 1:48 — “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.”


You saw me

before I knew You.

You knew me

before I chose You.

You created me

before I was.

You see me

as I weep for You.

You know me

as I question You.

You hold me

as I long for You.

You see

where I am going.

You know

my future

before I arrive.

You protect

my every step

before I take one.

You were

You are

You will be.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Meet Me

Where You are

Romans 6:6-7 — For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin — because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.


Let nothing

come between us, Lord.

Let nothing

take Your perch.

Sit enthroned

at the center

of my life —

that is the only place

You belong.

Though trouble surrounds me,

though evil pursues me,

the eye of this storm

is completely still

because You are here.

Meet me

at the executioner’s chair -

the cross given to me -

and raise me up

to new life with You.

Meet me

at the tomb of the old,

where self goes to die,

and call me out

to a new hope in You.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


Wandering wonder

Philippians 4:7 — And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Prince of Peace,

I seek from You

the unknown wonder

of Your promise.

As I carry on

in the wilderness,

as the currents of chaos

flow beneath me

and the winds of the world

swirl overhead,

Your peace extends

to me

though I cannot fathom


Carry me,

O mighty hand of God,

sustain me

in the wasteland

as I pass through.

Though they seek me,

though I often worry,

be my hedge of Protection

and do not let me stumble -

do not let me give in

to the temptation surrounding me,

calling out to me.

Prince of Peace,

You are -

You must be -

my only peace.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke



Psalm 103:1 — Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.




be filled with joy,

O my soul!

The Lord gives and gives -

His giving does not cease.

Even in suffering -

pain and affliction,

darkness and hurt -

the Father does not relent in giving to me.

Let my resilience bless You, O God,

my spirit bring You honor,

my battle be my ministry.

Multiply -

increase my inheritance,

expand my territory,

bless me,

pour out gifts upon me,

choose me to do Your will,

to tell of Your goodness.

I will suffer with gratitude

for it brings me nearer to You, Father,

closer to the finish line.

I will receive blessings with joy,

with humility,

for it is one more reason to praise You,

O God.

My Rock,

my Redeemer,

I will rejoice

for all that You have done.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


This cup

Matthew 26:39 — “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.”



this cup.


this thorn.


this burden.


this evil.

Take my sorrows, Lord,

I cannot bear them

any longer.

Take my pain,

I cannot endure it

any more.

Take me -

all of me -

and press Your face

to mine,

all that I want

is to know

You are here.

I want to faint

at Your feet,

I want to fall down

at Your throne.

Unwind me,

unburden me,

so that I can be



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Ben Locke Ben Locke


In You

Hebrews 4:1 — Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it.



O my soul,

rest in the Lord

for He is sovereign.


O my bones,

rest in the Lord

for He is good.


O mind,

rest in the Lord

for He is faithful.

In the arms of the Almighty

I rest,

I am held.

In the hands of the Holy One

I rest,

I am secure.

I will enter

into Your presence

knowing my rest comes

at Your feet.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke



Psalm 93:1 — The Lord reigns, He is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.


I see You

when the sun rises,

when the night paints black.

I know You

when the skies are blue,

when dark clouds form.

I hear You

when the birds sing,

when the thunder rolls.

You are warmth

and terror -

I praise them both.

You are tender

and wildfire -

I praise them both.


but eternally intimate,


but eternally present,

I sing praises to the Lord

without relenting.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

You Are

The Lord

Zechariah 6:8 — “It may seem marvelous to the remnant of this people at that time, but will it seem marvelous to me?” declares the LORD Almighty.


What is a miracle

to the One

who is miraculous?

What is impossible

for the One

who created everything?

You are the Lord -

nothing is above You

nor below You,

all things are Yours.

Who can put limits

on the One

who paints the stars

on the canvas of the universe?

Who can put a muzzle

on the One

who told the earth

to be?

You are the Lord -

I will say it again:

You are the Lord!

How beautiful are Your ways, Father,

how wonderful are the things

You will do.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


For You

Psalm 26:8 — Lord, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells.


Under every rock,

in each hidden place,

I searched for it.

In the valleys and on the peaks,

in darkness and in light,

I sought it.

Within the world,

the promises of this life,

I did not stop looking for it.

In the hearts of others,

the mind of humanity,

I hoped it would be found.

In success and achievement,

status and power,

I expected it to come.


it was impossibly far from me.

When my search came to an end

and emptiness swallowed me whole,

You drew near to me.

In my troubles

You gave me hope.

In my shame

You gave me forgiveness.

In my suffering

You gave me purpose.

In my fear

You gave me truth.

In my emptiness

You gave me eternity.

O Lord,

I love the house where You live,

the place where Your glory dwells;

for I am Your dwelling place

and I love that You

love me.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke



 James 4:8 — Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you…


You are everywhere,

but sometimes

I stop looking.

You are always speaking,

but sometimes

I stop listening.

I need You

for my next breath -

not so I can breathe,

but so I can

know You more intimately.

I was put here

to draw nearer to You,

everything else is


To know Christ

and Him crucified -

this is why You formed me,

named me,

and gave me life.

To receive the love

of my Maker -

this is why You watched me,

guided me,

and redeemed my life.

I will draw near to You -

You are already there

waiting for me.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke



Proverbs 3:5-6 — Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


I am only here -

where I am today -

because You, Lord,

decided that here

is exactly where You want me.

Nothing about it

makes any sense -

truly nothing.

Is this not

the greatest evidence

that it is Your desire

for me to be

right here?

I could have never

predicted it,

I could not possibly

plan for it,

yet here I am

because here is where

You brought me.

I could try to figure out


I could try to understand

Your intentions;


I will throw myself

into the unknown beauty

of Your unknown sovereignty.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


But prevailing

Matthew 5:3 — “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”


I am weary, God,

but I can prevail.

Weariness and strength,

the Lord knows them both.

For He created the mountains,

He set apart the valleys;

His footsteps mark them both.

In my weariness

I look to the Lord my God.

I call out to Him in need

for deliverance.

In my weariness

the Lord is my only hope

and He will prevail.

For it is Him who gives me strength;

I am His chosen creation.

The Lord delights in my weariness,

He loves to give me His strength.

He casts down the wicked,

the proud

who see no need for Him.

But He uplifts the meek,

the weary

who see all their need in Him.

I am weary, O Lord,

but I can prevail

because I am Your beloved.

Fill my cup, O mighty Creator,

so that I will never run dry.

Praise Your name, O my God,

for You deliver Your people.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Love Unknown

To receive

Matthew 22:37 — Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”


Love is what brought me

to You,

love is all that You ask

in return.

I could not possibly understand


until I received it from


I could not possibly give


until I received it from


Your love is nothing like

what I thought love was,

it is abundantly more than

what I thought it could be.

Now that You have shown me

Your love,

I cannot possibly understand it

any other way.

Now that You have shown me

Your love,

I cannot possibly give it

any other way.

I will abide in Your love,

for it is my rescue,

my safety,

my joy,

and my treasure.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Your Heart

For me

Romans 8:14-15 — For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”


I think too much

and I perform too hard



overlooking the heart

of who You are.

You desire my

adoration and love,

not just my effort.

You desire my

joy and thanksgiving,

not just my intensity.

You, Lord,

are unknown and complex,

but simple.

You, God,

are unapproachable and just,

but Fatherly.

You invite me

to be a child,

defined by faith

and eager to seek Your heart.

Not as a rule-follower

nor shameful self-loather,

but as an unkempt servant

full of gratitude and trust.

This is freedom

in the Lord.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Only Reason

I live

Hebrews 10:14 — For by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.


My only hope

is the grace of God.

My only option

is to trust the Lord.

I have tried

to hope in myself,

to trust in the world -

it led to my destruction.


under the blood of Jesus


I am no longer condemned.




died for,

the perfect love of Christ

is the only reason

I live.

This gives me every reason

to live,

every reason to worship



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Ben Locke Ben Locke


I wait

Matthew 6:24 — Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Today comes

and my soul waits.

If tomorrow comes,


my soul will be waiting for You,

Lord my God.

You are my hope, Father,

my only hope,

and that is more than enough.

Love unfailing,

redemption complete,

forgiveness purchased,

I wait for the Lord

and put my hope in His word.


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Ben Locke Ben Locke


Rest in Me

Exodus 33:14 — The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”



I made you.


I see you.


I know you.


I care for you.


I fight for you.


I provide for you.

In the palm of My hand,


I am watching over you,

moving around you,

and preparing a way for you

to glorify Me.

Rest in Me,


do not be afraid,

just rest in Me.”


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Prepare Him Room

In my heart

Ephesians 3:16-17 — I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.


O my heart,

prepare Him room!

At the head of the table,

at the center of my life,

prepare Him room.

As Master of my actions,

as Commander of my thoughts,

prepare Him room.

From my deepest hurt

to my greatest victory,

prepare Him room.

For the present moment,

for the coming return,

prepare Him room.

Son of God,

Son of Man,

take all that I have

and all that I am.

O my heart,

prepare Him room!


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Ben Locke Ben Locke

Wonderful Discipline

Earnest dependence

Hebrews 12:6, 10 — For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastens everyone He accepts as His child… God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in His holiness.


When You discipline me,

I curse You.


when Your discipline

completes its work in me,

I rejoice in You.

I am a child

with such need for a patient Father.

How wonderful it is

that I have One.

I hope to avoid Your correction,

but Your correction is what keeps me near

to You.

Patient Father,

Just God,

teach me joyful obedience,

humble righteousness

that comes only through Your discipline.

It is far better

to endure hardship and receive correction,

than to live a lifetime of worldly comfort.

For the joy of everlasting life in You

comes through my earnest dependence

and Your merciful discipline.


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