
Psalm 26:8 — Lord, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells.


Under every rock,

in each hidden place,

I searched for it.

In the valleys and on the peaks,

in darkness and in light,

I sought it.

Within the world,

the promises of this life,

I did not stop looking for it.

In the hearts of others,

the mind of humanity,

I hoped it would be found.

In success and achievement,

status and power,

I expected it to come.


it was impossibly far from me.

When my search came to an end

and emptiness swallowed me whole,

You drew near to me.

In my troubles

You gave me hope.

In my shame

You gave me forgiveness.

In my suffering

You gave me purpose.

In my fear

You gave me truth.

In my emptiness

You gave me eternity.

O Lord,

I love the house where You live,

the place where Your glory dwells;

for I am Your dwelling place

and I love that You

love me.



You Are

