Speak To Your Soul

Psalm 42:5 - Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.


You plot my steps before me, O Lord,

You lead me along the path to Your dwelling place.

Though the road is dark,

and I am empty,

You guide me according to Your will.

This is the life You prepared for me long ago;

Your plans have not changed.

Though my flesh is weak,

and my burdens are heavy,

Your sovereignty surrounds me.

Every breath is a reminder

of my eternal resting place,

my perfect home.

Every affliction forces me,

O so wonderfully,

into the depths of Your mercy.

Set my feet upon Your foundation,

the foundation of truth.

Reveal Your power, O Lord,

that I may see it revealed in me.

Overcome my doubts,

and trample my enemies,

that I may proclaim Your goodness.

Command strength into my bones,

and breathe life into my lungs;

let faith bring me healing.

Steadfast, O Lord,

I remain steadfast before You;

come to my rescue!

O mighty God,

come quickly and deliver me.



A Broken Spirit

