
Psalm 32:6-7 — “Therefore, let all the faithful pray to You while You may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them. You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”


Apart from fear,

freedom is nothing.

Apart from troubles,

triumph is empty.

Apart from desperation,

hope is unnecessary.

Apart from suffering,

faith is meaningless.

I am made whole,

because I am incomplete.

I have hope,

because I have such need.

I receive grace,

because I know the depths of my sin.

I must choose life,

because I have looked upon the face of death.

You, O Lord,

are God of the brokenhearted.

Leader of the lowly,

You are the King of the downcast,

and we are the apple of Your eye.

You have no need for the arrogant,

no purpose for the prideful.

O, what a blessing,

what an inheritance I will receive,

as a servant of the Lord.

I will wait for You, O God,

I will persist in the face of persecution.

For this life is devoid of meaning,

unless it is a life spent serving You.



Speak To Your Soul


Silent Not Still