
Psalm 63:1 — You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.


When You found me, Lord,

I was desperate

and my need was great.

It was good,

for it drove me to rely on You,

to trust you.

Now I call out to You, O God,

to renew my fervor,

to reinvigorate my worship.

I do not want comfort in this life;

for I know comfort

leads to death.

I do not desire ease in this life,

for I know ease

leads to complacency.

Take Your infinite power

and give me just a drop;

take Your immeasurable beauty

and bless me with a breath.

Never let me grow stagnant, Father,

for I refuse to die

a slow death.

Never let me grow complacent, Lord,

for I do not wish

to lose eternity.




